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Relax ~ Please take time to review your order, & feel secure with our payment & shipping process.
Orders are available for pick-up/free delivery in Guam, or ship USPS Priority to your destination.
If you live on Guam & would like us to hand-deliver it, leave our address in the field & we can arrange a delivery place & time. Your Name c/o IslaRae PO Box 2631 Hagatna Guam 96932, & we will notify you when it arrives.
You may PayPal us directly, indicating order in message, & item will ship upon receipt of payment.
You do not need a Paypal account- Log in as Guest
You may pay with your credit card through PayPal, without starting an account.
Most Orders Ship USPS Priority Flat Rate Medium plus Insurance.
If there is another way you would like to ship, please specify and we'll work with you.
Some orders may require specific instructions, in those cases, please leave a message with us in the form on the Contact Page, & we'll be with you shortly.
Order Completion takes 3-4 business days after payment transfer,
& usually ships within 1 week provided items are ready made.
If an item takes longer to fulfill we will contact you with a time frame.
All Orders are handled and shipped by the Artisan, & special requests are welcome.
We appreciate your patience in the special handling of your order. ~ isla Rae
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