Lifetime Artisan It's been a joy to meet new people, with shared values & appreciation for the arts, & to be an active member of the arts community on Guam. Watching new eyes open to the beauty and bounty of the island, welcoming old friends, meeting revered healers, precious stories shared, unexpected creative liasons, the freshest smoked eggplant, rancheru serenades & harmonica lessons from a master blacksmith, in the shade of pink ginger... Feeling so blessed in dreamy Guahan. Many Thanks
Valley of the Latte ~ ISLARAE has participated in River Festival events since the opening of Valley of the Latte Adventure Park. Si Yu'os Ma'ase for such meaningful events. So many memorable moments & so much familia, my cup overfloweth. Feeling filled up, please join us for future Valley of the Latte events
Si Yu'os Ma'ase 12th Annual Festival of the Pacific Arts 2016
It was an honor to represent Guam as a Visual Arts Delegate
an experience like none other,Thank you to all the delegates, dignitaries and volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen. Biba Oceania! ~si Rae
Future Events ~for the past few years, ISLARAE focused on leveling up in the wholesale industry, but we would love to participate in future craft fairs or gallery shows,
you might find our soaps represented at the Numa'lo Refillery van or at select GUMA events.